I have spoken at the following distinguished venues:
The Mount, Edith Wharton's Home Milford Readers & Writers Festival
Stroud Mansion, Stroundsburg, PA New York Public Library
Scranton Library Miami Book Fair
American Booksellers Association Winter Institute Scranton Cultural Center
Lake Placid Library St. Thomas Aquinas College
Marywood University MOCCA Arts Festival
St. Thomas Aquinas College National Cartoonists Society
Millbrook Literary Festival Norman Rockwell Museum
Beach Point Club The Grolier Club
Yonsei University in South Korea New York University
...and many others including well over a 100 TV and radio shows

Clients I have written columns, Op-Eds and features for:
New Yorker, New York Times, New York Daily News, NY Newsday,
Reader's Digest, SPY, Playboy, Details, GQ, MAXIM,
National Lampoon, Village Voice, McSweeney's.
Here are some personal favorites of mine. Please click & check out:
How Not to Write a Christmas Newsletter
McSweeney's Diagnosing Trump Anxiety

A beautiful non-fiction update of the holiday classic that tells the true untold story of one of man's oldest form of folk-art.
Published in 2018 by Globe Pequot
“Brilliant!” – SmokingGun.com
“Charming & fascinating”
– TimeOut New York
"Based on The New York Times bestseller Footnotes from the World's Greatest Bookstores, Bob Eckstein brings his heart-tugging illustrations to a postcard set. Here are 100 postcards that celebrate the pillar of every community – the independent bookstore – with 50 total illustrations, including seven never-before-seen designs – to both send and save."
Stories from today's greatest
thinkers & artists with
75 sexy portraits of
the world's greatest bookstores.
Based on the 2007 holiday classic...

Here are some select accolades for my books...
“A joyous book featuring the greatest museums in the world.” — Steve Martin
“Bob Eckstein is a national treasure.” –– David Plotz, former CEO Atlas Obscura
“A beautifully written and painted love letter to the museums of North America.” — Max Hollein, CEO and Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
“Bob knows how to make a book come alive. And the range of his artistic taste is very impressive. Where else would you find The Boston Museum of Fine Art alongside The Spam Museum.” –– Michael Palin
"I had a great time reading through this book –Cat Names seems more relevant to actual cat owners, but honestly, it would make a great coffee-table book. Cat Names should be a staple at all animal shelters and pet shops around the world.” — Seattle Book Review
“Bob Eckstein is rapidly becoming the Dean of American Cartooning.” — American Bystander
“Hilarious, humorous – this book has it all, and everything.” — The Daily Beast, Elements of Stress
“Positively marvelous and entertaining.” — The Washington Post, The History of the Snowman
“…always knew Bob Eckstein was a funny man.” — Rolling Stone, The History of the Snowman
“Brilliant!” ––SmokingGun.com, The History of the Snowman
“Two of the top humorists in America have created a stress-free way to enjoy stress.” — Reader’s Digest, Elements of Stress
“This hilarious book will help you forget this oppressively dark period of human civilization for a good ten, eleven minutes. The Elements of Stress is a perfect respite from whichever unrelenting soul-crushing torment you’re currently experiencing.” — McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, editor Chris Monks
“Not to stress you out, but BUY THIS BOOK! IT’S VERY FUNNY!! BUY IT NOW!!!!” — Jack Handey, author of Deep Thoughts, Elements of Stress
“This is the most useful funny book I have ever read or the other way around.” — Bob Mankoff, former Cartoon Editor of The New Yorker, Elements of Stress
“This is very, very funny.” — InkSpill, Elements of Stress
“If this book doesn’t make you happy-ish, you’re hopeless-ish. Thanks, Bob and Michael!” — Ron Hauge, Simpsons, Seinfeld, The Ren & Stimpy Show
“Bob Eckstein and Michael Shaw have penned a humorous, easy-to-digest self-help book for our times. They prove Erma Bombeck’s adage, ‘If you can’t make it better, you can laugh at it.’” — Teri Rizvi, founder and director of the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop
“Quirkiest and most charming history book to come along in years.” — American Way magazine, The History of the Snowman
“Thoroughly researched…there’s more to the snowman than meets the eye.” — New York Public Library
“Charming & fascinating” — TimeOut New York, The History of the Snowman
“Meticulously researched” — Advertising Age, The History of the Snowman
“Exhaustive & lovingly researched” — Ohio Free Times, The History of the Snowman
"The perfect book for a cat lover. And the perfect book for a cat-hater to give to a cat lover. Littered with amusing drawings, names and cat-yarns. I am a cartoonist. And a cat person. So, you can trust me and my cat—who prefers to remain anonymous.” — Michael Shaw, host of The Cartoon Pad
"Cats the world over should be grateful and indebted to Mr. Eckstein for having written this magnificent tome. But, they won’t be. They just won’t. And that sickens me.” — renown New Yorker cartoonist Nick Downes
"A book about cat names? The whole book? This book is hilarious. Further proof that Bob Eckstein can make anything funny, and
apparently also make me want a cat.” — Marty Dundics, Chief Editor, Weekly Humorist