Happy Independent Bookstore Day
Each week I've been thanking friends of my upcoming book and because today, Saturday April 30th, is Independent Bookstore Day I choose someone who has a new book out, New Yorker cartoonist Michael Maslin.
Michael and I are friends but initially I was just a big fan. Before knowing him, I purchased the rights to a couple of his snowman cartoons for my first book. Later I became a cartoonist myself and had the opportunity for us to meet in person. The past couple of years Michael has helped my book, providing feedback and encouragement on the artwork and just being a sounding board in general. The process of being a cartoonist, with the high rate of rejection, can be very frustrating and sometimes Michael has provided me free psychiatric services.
But at the same time Mr. Maslin was embarking on a huge book project of his own, the biography of the legendary Peter Arno, widely considered one of the greatest New Yorker cartoonist ever. Titled, Peter Arno: The Mad, Mad World of The New Yorker's Greatest Cartoonist, this book is beautifully produced and a great recommendation if you're able to make it out to support your local bookstore.