It Was the Worse of Times, It Was the WORSE of Times
What a year. Well, I hope you have your health. I guess that's all that matters, right? I spent the summer pivoting and changing plans, like everyone else. Taught more this year and focused on producing books. Couldn't do any book events, per se, but I did some remote things and spoke "at" the Norman Rockwell Museum, Milford Readers & Writers Festival, and locations everywhere including South Korea from my living room without pants.
This is this first book I want to share and I honestly believe it can help (although I'll admit I'm no Dr. Fauci). But I am an expert when I say things can’t get much worse but they can get much funnier.
This hilarious yet helpful handbook will, I promise, be a life-changing read. Written with famed New Yorker cartoonist, Michael Shaw, it includes over fifty of our cartoons. Bursting with timeless advice, it’s essential reading for these times, and we kept the page count down so it's priced less than a pumpkin-flavored latte grande ($7.99). You can CLICK HERE or on the book on the left to order. Let me know if you would like it personalized—it makes for the perfect gift for anyone in your life who is totally losing it. It was edited by Andy Newton and Marty Dundics and published by Humorist Books.
