2018, Better Late Than Never
Last chance to wish all a Happy New Year! Hope everyone got off to a good start in 2018.
If you’re reading this, thanks and let me share what I’ve been working on...first, sorry I've been late, I was juggling a few projects. I want to share a friend's

new book, Jack Handey’s Please Stop the Deeper Thoughts. I was lucky enough to do the cover...
In December I did an OpEd on the sexual harassment scandal for the New York Daily News...did animated promotions for the Will & Grace comeback...
I’m currently working on the artwork for a project very close to my heart, an illustrated novel which takes place in 1850 called the Sea Below Us. It’s a fictional novel that is a comedy, mystery and romance based on the real events surrounding one of the greatest horror stories in history, the disappearance of Sir John Franklin. I spent years researching this subject, all enjoyable.
I’m also working on The Illustrated History of the Snowman which is based on the 2007 holiday classic of the same name but this will be a visual bonanza. It will be released at the end of this year by Globe Pequot.

Penguin Random House and Clarkson Potter style will be releasing at the same time a box set of my bookstore paintings, some never before seen.
More news soon. Thanks for sticking with me.